Your First Steps Towards AI-Powered Marketing


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Your First Steps Towards AI-Powered Marketing

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September 18, 2024

Alright, fellow marketing mavens. You know AI is coming for our jobs (kidding, sort of). You want to figure out how to use AI in marketing. Now what?

In our last blog, we lit a fire under you about the AI revolution. This week, we're handing you the extinguisher—and teaching you how to use it to fuel your success instead.

                  Stop Overthinking, Start Doing

Let's be real: AI can feel overwhelming. But have you ever tried *not* adopting transformative technology? (Spoiler: It doesn't end well for your campaigns or your career.) The good news is, you don't need a Ph.D. in machine learning to get started. You just need to, well, start.

Step 1: Take the AI Pulse of Your Department

First things first: You need to know what you're working with. It's time to play detective in your own team.

  1. Create a simple survey with these questions:
    • Are you using AI in your work?
    • What AI tools are you using?
    • What tasks are you using AI for?
  1. Send it to everyone in your department. Yes, everyone. From the content creators to the data analysts to the social media managers.
  2. Prepare to be surprised. Chances are, AI has already snuck into your processes when you weren't looking.

This little exercise will give you invaluable insight into what's already happening in your team. Plus, it'll help you identify your in-house AI champions. (You're going to need them later.)

Step 2: Get Your Hands Dirty with AI

Now it's your turn. Until you do some serious hands-on work with AI, you just won't get it. It's like trying to explain TikTok to a traditional TV ad exec—some things you just have to experience.

  1. Start with a basic AI prompting course. (Yes, we're telling you to go back to school. Deal with it.) And hey, if you want to skip the "fumbling in the dark" phase and get straight to AI-prompting brilliance, give us a shout. Inverta's got your back faster than AI can generate a dad joke. Just saying.
  2. Dive deep into foundational AI models. We're talking ChatGPT, Claude, or Gemini. These aren't just toys—they're powerful tools that can reshape how you work. And here's the kicker: commit to spending at least 10 hours exploring these models. Yes, 10 hours. It's arbitrary, but it moves you past the "I poked around one evening" phase and into "I'm seriously integrating this into my workflow" territory.
  3. During your 10-hour AI bootcamp, focus on tasks relevant to your daily work. Try crafting social media posts, analyzing customer feedback, brainstorming campaign ideas, or drafting email copy. The goal is to understand what these AI models can (and can't) do for your specific needs.
  4. Keep a log of your experiments. Note what worked, what flopped, and what surprised you. This isn't just busywork—it's valuable data for when you start evangelizing AI to your team.

Remember: The goal isn't to become an AI expert overnight. It's to get comfortable enough that you don't break out in hives every time someone mentions AI in a meeting. By the end of your 10 hours, you should have a solid grasp on how these foundational models can amplify your work—and where they fall short.

Step 3: Spread the AI Gospel in Your Team

Congratulations! You've dipped your toes in the AI waters. Now it's time to drag the rest of your team into the pool.

Why? Because AI literacy isn't just nice to have—it's the only way you're going to reap the benefits of this tech revolution in your strategies.

Here's what your AI training program should cover:

  1. AI 101: What it is, how it works (in simple terms), and why it matters for various functions.
  2. Prompts 101: How to craft effective prompts for AI tools.
  3. Use Cases: Show, don't tell. Demonstrate real scenarios where AI can improve content creation, customer sentiment analysis, landing page optimization, and more.
  4. The Law of Uneven Distribution: Remind them that the value they get from AI in their roles is directly proportional to their understanding and acceptance of it. (Fear of irrelevance is a great motivator, folks.)

And remember, this isn't a one-and-done deal. AI is evolving faster than social media trends. Make your training program ongoing to keep your team at the cutting edge.

                   The Bottom Line

Starting your AI journey doesn't have to be a Herculean task. It's about taking small, consistent steps. Poll your team, get hands-on experience with AI tools, and start training your colleagues.

Will it be easy? Nope. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

Because here's the truth: The AI train has left the station. You can either hop on now and enjoy the ride, or be left chasing after it, out of breath and watching your competitors zoom past.

So, what's it going to be? Are you ready to take your first steps into the AI-powered future?


Stay tuned for our next post, where we'll dive into building an AI-ready team. Trust us, you won't want to miss it if you care about staying relevant in this field.
