Why AI Will Impact Marketing More Than the Internet Did


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Why AI Will Impact Marketing More Than the Internet Did

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September 11, 2024

Look, we don't want this to seem daunting. But it is unavoidably daunting. Remember when the internet changed everything about marketing? Buckle up, because AI is about to make that look like a minor software update.

The AI Revolution is Here (Whether You're Ready or Not)

Let's not kid ourselves. If you want to hit your pipeline objectives year-in and year-out in this new AI-driven world, you need to get on board. Fast. The dozens of CMOs we've interviewed all attest to that.

AI isn't just another tool in your belt. It's a whole new toolbox. And it's one that's going to redefine how we approach everything from content creation to customer segmentation.

The Transformative Potential of AI in Marketing

AI isn't just about automating tasks (though it does that brilliantly). It's about unlocking insights, predicting behaviors, and creating personalized experiences at a scale we've never seen before. 

Imagine knowing exactly what content will resonate with each segment of your audience before you even create it. Picture being able to optimize your ad spend in real-time based on AI-driven insights. Envision chatbots that don't just answer questions, but anticipate needs and guide customers through their journey seamlessly.

This isn't science fiction. It's happening soon, and it's only the beginning.

Why Marketers Can't Afford to Ignore AI

Here's the reality: Marketers waste 26% of their budgets due to poor strategy. And the #1 reason marketers are fired? They didn't hit revenue targets.

AI isn't just an opportunity to do better. It's quickly becoming the price of entry. Those who embrace it will thrive. Those who don't... well, let's just say the future isn't kind to laggards in our field.

The Urgency of Preparing for AI Integration

You might be thinking, "I'll get to it eventually." But here's the kicker: AI adoption isn't linear. It's exponential. The gap between those who are leveraging AI effectively and those who aren't is widening every day.

This brings us to a crucial concept: The Law of Uneven Distribution in AI adoption.

"The value you gain from AI, and how quickly and consistently that value is realized, is directly proportional to your understanding of, access to and acceptance of the technology."

In other words, the sooner you start, the faster you'll see results, and the further ahead you'll get. It's a virtuous cycle that rewards early adopters and leaves latecomers scrambling to catch up.

So, What Now?

We get it. AI can feel overwhelming. But remember, you don't have to boil the ocean. Start small, but start now. Here are a few steps to get you moving:

  1. Take stock of your current AI usage: Poll your organization. You might be surprised to find pockets of AI already in use.
  2. Get hands-on: Until you do some hands-on work with AI, you just won't understand it. Take a basic prompting course to get started.
  3. Educate your team: AI literacy is the only way to reap the benefits. Start building an ongoing AI training program.
  4. Identify quick wins: Where in your marketing processes could AI make an immediate impact?
  5. Start experimenting: Set up small pilot projects to test AI's capabilities in your specific context.

Remember, it's not about perfection. It's about progress. The act of starting matters more than getting everything right from day one.

The Choice Is Yours

As William Irwin Thomson said, "If you do not decide your [marketing] fate, you will have your fate inflicted upon you."

AI in marketing isn't just coming. It's here. And it's going to change everything. The question isn't whether you'll be affected by this revolution, but whether you'll be leading it or playing catch-up.

So, shall we begin?


Ready to dive deeper into AI and marketing? Stay tuned for our next post where we'll explore practical steps to start integrating AI into your marketing organization.
