What's In vs. What's Out in B2B Marketing for 2025: The Hard Truth
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What's In vs. What's Out in B2B Marketing for 2025: The Hard Truth
Let's cut through the noise and get real about what's actually working in B2B marketing as we dive into 2025. Fair warning: some sacred cows are about to be tipped over (you can tell the girl from Wisconsin heads up our content strategy).
ICP vs TAM: Quality Over Quantity, Period.
Your Total Addressable Market (TAM) might look great in investor decks, but your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is what builds sustainable business. Stop counting theoretical customers and start identifying who should actually buy your product.
Here's what developing a real ICP means:
- Analyzing your customer base to identify and admit which ones are bad fits
- Understanding why your successful customers actually succeed
- Having the guts to tell sales "no" when they chase off-profile deals
- Stopping marketing to companies that look good on paper but are nightmares in practice
Once you've nailed your ICP, create your Target Account List (TAL) – these are your perfect-fit accounts that are ready to buy now. The progression is simple:
TAM → Shows possible customers
ICP → Identifies who you want
TAL → Tells you where to focus first
Campaign Planning vs Random Acts of Marketing
Most B2B marketing teams are still operating like sugar-rushing toddlers – lots of activity, zero strategy. You know the drill: Sales needs leads tomorrow, marketing panic-launches a webinar, nobody shows up, repeat with different tactics.
Real campaign planning means:
- Annual and Quarter-by-quarter narrative development
- Multi-channel orchestration that makes sense
- Content that builds on itself, not one-off assets
- Measuring buying group engagement across channels, not just form fills
If you can't map how today's activities connect to next quarter's pipeline, you're not planning – you're just keeping busy. Check out our campaign planning workshop for some inspiration
Signal-Based vs Intent-Only Marketing
Stop playing with half a deck. Third-party intent data isn't your holy grail – it's just one card in your hand. Signal-based marketing looks at:
- First-party engagement with your content and website
- Buyer group patterns across channels
- Product usage data (if a current customer)
- AND 2nd and 3rd party intent data
So when people say 3rd party intent is overrated, it is if it is the ONLY signal you’re looking at. It’s the combination that gives valuable information for both marketing and sales to action off of. See the excellent example of how this plays out from the one and only Kerry Cunningham!
Always-On vs Nurture Tracks: Stop Playing Calendar Roulette
Time to bury your "email every Tuesday at 10am" nurture strategy. Your buyers don't care about your marketing calendar – they care about solving their problems. Always-on marketing isn't just automated drip campaigns; it's building an ecosystem that responds when THEY need you.
Think about it:
- Old Way: "It's been 7 days since the whitepaper download. Time for the next email!"
- New Way: "Their entire security team is engaging with zero-trust content across three channels – let's make sure they have our latest compliance framework NOW."
Always on campaigns don't nudge prospects. They react to their signals, provide useful information, and build a digital relationship that ensures your company is in the poll position when they go to evaluate vendors. For more on Always On, check out our resources here!
Hyper-Relevance vs Personalization
Forget knowing your prospect's dog's name. In 2025, relevance means delivering genuine value at every stage:
- Early stage: "Here's a framework for evaluating platforms based on your compliance requirements"
- Mid-journey: "Since you're exploring deployment, here's integration specifics for your stack"
- Decision stage: "Here's how similar companies handled compliance verification"
When you nail relevance through strong signals, combine that with meaningful personalization you create magnetic marketing that pulls buyers through their journey naturally. THAT is hyper-relevance and that is what you need to stand out in 2025 and beyond!
End the ABM vs Demand Gen debate with the Demand Continuum
Stop the pointless ABM vs Demand Gen battle. Start with one question: Where's your revenue coming from? Then work backwards:
Revenue Sources:
- Inbound/outbound/partnership split
- Segment value distribution
- New logos vs expansions mix
Then, when planning your campaigns, think about how each of these various pipeline and revenue sources will be addressed to meet your revenue goals. ABM probably plays a role, but so will broader demand and even inbound. And certainly don’t forget your partners…they are the most underutilized revenue source at most organizations! For more on the Demand Continuum click here!
MQA vs MQL: Stop Chasing Ghosts
By the time someone becomes an MQL, they're 70% through their buying journey. You're showing up to a party that's almost over. Smart marketers track entire account behavior instead:
Early stage indicators (MQA):
- Multiple team members researching
- Increased thought leadership engagement
- Tech stack changes
Late Indicators (MQL):
- Cross-functional content engagement
- Technical documentation reviews
- Multiple stakeholders on pricing pages
- Form fill
Companies doing this right see 2-3x higher conversion rates and 40% faster deal cycles. So it’s time to get proactive in reading signals and responding to them!
MOPs: From Button-Pusher to Business Partner
If you're still treating Marketing Operations as "the Marketo people," you're missing the boat entirely. Your MOPs team should be:
- Architecting your revenue engine
- Leading digital transformation
- Building scalable frameworks
- Creating revenue-focused analytics
The future isn't about having the biggest tech stack – it's about having the team that can turn that stack into a revenue engine. Your MOPs team is perfectly positioned to lead the charge for you!
NRR vs New Logo Obsession
Stop celebrating too early. That big new logo might look great, but Net Revenue Retention (NRR) tells the real story. Smart marketers are:
- Taking time to align with the organization on the right ICP (see above), and spending their resources marketing only to those that are a good fit!
- Building expansion plays from day one
- Creating post-sale content journeys
- Optimizing for multi-year revenue
- Treating customer marketing as a revenue center
In year one, most companies LOSE money on a new customer. So if a customer doesn't renew, much less expand, it is hurting your company's bottom line. So the bottom line is: focus on bringing in customers that are set up for success, and help nurture them throughout their lifecycle to ensure they renew and expand. THAT is revenue marketing!
The Bottom Line: Your 2025 Wake-Up Call
These aren't trends – they are survival strategies. The B2B marketers who will thrive in 2025:
- Say no to bad-fit customers
- Build revenue-based programs
- Use tech to listen, not blast
- Measure what matters, not what's easy
- Own the buyer’s journey!
Pick one shift and make it happen. Don't try to boil the ocean. Marketing is growing up – are you ready to evolve? This may seem overwhelming, but stay tuned to our content throughout the year as we will be pulling this all together in a NEW playbook for Sales and Marketing with real-world advice and practical “how to’s” to help you make this transition!